Trekking Team Group, as an adventure tour operator, places a strong emphasis on environmental protection and advocates for social responsibility and ‘green tourism’. Aligned with the five principles of IPPG, we rigorously implement our policies seamlessly from our office to the field. The subsequent section outlines our environmental and responsible tourism policies:

When crafting an itinerary

In crafting itineraries, our commitment to environmental and social responsibility, ingrained since our establishment in 1991, is evident across all aspects of our company. When planning itineraries, we prioritize minimizing flights and private transport to conserve fuel and protect the environment. Heli tours, with their significant environmental impact, are neither promoted nor endorsed by us. Every detail is meticulously considered during itinerary preparation, with a preference for accommodations owned by locals in our trips.

Green Energy in the office

Our office runs on solar power, with 90% of our energy generated from rooftop solar panels. We use energy-saving bulbs, turning off lights and computers when not needed. Purchasing stationery in bulk helps save fuel and costs. As a responsible tour operator, we've cut down on paper by creating online brochures and e-newsletters. When printing is essential, we print on both sides of the paper to conserve trees.

On the field

We rely on local guides and accommodations owned by locals to give our clients an authentic experience of Nepali life. Home stays are also a common choice for a genuine cultural encounter. During our trips, we prioritize locally produced organic food, discouraging the use of imported foods. In Himalayan climbing trips, we utilize solar panels at base camps for environmental conservation. For camping treks, we use gas or kerosene for cooking to protect the forests, reducing gas emissions and avoiding the use of firewood. We ensure our campsites are cleaner than when we arrived, disposing of rubbish at proper facilities or recycling in the city. Additionally, we minimize water use and avoid polluting water sources with soap or waste.

We are against plastic

A significant achievement in our environmental efforts is supporting the mission of TAP (Travellers Against Plastic). During group trips, we offer water bottles and filters, eliminating the need to purchase bottled water. This not only saves money but also contributes to environmental conservation. We strongly advise against buying bottled water and recommend opting for filtered, boiled, or purified water as the best choices in mountainous regions.
Sustainability is a tradition at Trekking Team Group.

Animal protection

We are dedicated to animal welfare in our trekking holidays and choose not to use animals. Instead, we employ porters for luggage carrying to ensure the well-being of animals. Avoiding activities involving animals, such as elephant safaris, is essential to prevent inadequate rest and living conditions. Furthermore, we refrain from using mules or Jokpe to carry backpacks during trekking holidays to avoid overloading and promote ethical treatment. We take pride in being the only tour operator in Nepal that actively supports animal welfare.

Children Protection

Trekking Team Group is a proud member and advocate of The Code, an industry-driven initiative promoting responsible tourism. The mission is to raise awareness within the tourism sector to prevent the sexual exploitation of children. We envision a world where children are safe and free. Our staff is trained to play a crucial role in supporting this project, and we ensure that no children are employed in our office or fields.

Walk on the road

Embarking on a journey with Trekking Team Group entails a significant portion of your exploration taking place amidst nature, traversing landscapes on foot. This not only proves beneficial for the well-being of both body and soul but also serves as a sustainable choice that contributes to the protection of the environment. Choosing to travel primarily on foot with us offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature, fostering a deeper appreciation for the surroundings while leaving a minimal ecological footprint.

No superfluous luxury

While trekking with us, accommodations typically involve family-owned guesthouses in rural areas and middle-class hotels in cities. Our offered activities align with the local culture and nature, emphasizing a connection to the surroundings. It's important to note that Trekking Team Group does not include luxury programs such as Heli skiing or Heli tours, as our focus lies in providing authentic and nature-centric experiences.