What distinguishes Trekking Team Group as a responsible tourism operator?
As a responsible tour operator, we meticulously review every action we take, both in the office and in the field, to ensure that the activities we offer our clients do not harm nature or communities. Instead, we aim to strengthen and improve them. Our commitment is crystal clear: we prioritize responsible travel and ensure that all our clients are informed about their role as responsible travelers and how to do responsible trek in Nepal. Moreover, our guides, who serve as ambassadors for our company, undergo extensive education to ensure that our operations are sustainable, contribute positively to the communities we work with, and create memorable experiences for our clients.

We have a ethical code of fair relations with all: customers, competitors, stakehoders, personnel, destinations and suppliers as shown below.
- Not offer, promise or give, agree to or accept undue pecuniary or other advantage to/from public officials or the employees of business partners.
- No anti-competitive agreements among competitors such as fix prices, collusive tenders, establish output restrictions or quotas; or share markets by allocating customers, suppliers, territories or lines of commerce.
- Respect consumer privacy and take reasonable measures to ensure the security of personal data we collect when booking.
Thanks to our Partner Nepal Hilfe im Kleinen Rahmen.
If you want to know anything about our sustainable policies and action plans please contact us and talk with our sustainable coordinator, shree@trekkingteamgroup.com