Combine your holiday with festivals

May 25, 2024
Combine your holiday with festivals


Combining your holiday with Festivals of Nepal which enriches your travel experience in several ways:

  1. Dashain (Nepal): Dashain is a major Hindu festival in Nepal, celebrated with great enthusiasm. It spans several days and comprises family gatherings, feasts, and rituals. One advantage of combining your holiday with Dashain is experiencing the vibrant cultural traditions firsthand. From observing animal sacrifices to participating in kite flying and playing traditional games, Dashain offers a deep dive into Nepalese culture and spirituality.
  2. Diwali (Nepal and India): The Festival of Lights is celebrated across India and by the Indian diaspora worldwide. It symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. Not to be missed, Diwali dazzles with its elaborate decorations, stunning fireworks, and the warmth of people exchanging sweets and gifts. It’s a sensory feast that introduces travelers to India’s rich mythology, spirituality, and community spirit.
  3. Holi (Nepal and India): Holi, the festival of colors, is a joyous occasion that celebrates the arrival of spring. It’s particularly great for showing kids because of its playful nature—people of all ages joyfully throw colored powders and water at each other, breaking down barriers and fostering camaraderie. Kids especially love the opportunity to join in the fun and experience the cultural significance of Holi.
  4. Indra Jatra (Nepal) or Bisket Jatra (Nepal): Jatras are Celebrated by the community of Newar people in Nepal where Indra Jatra is celebrated in Kathmandu, Nepal, to honor Lord Indra, the king of heaven and rain, and Bisket Jatra, celebrated in Bhaktapur, marks the Nepali New Year and involves pulling a chariot through narrow streets amidst lively festivities. These festivals offer a unique glimpse into Nepalese religious practices and cultural heritage. Combining your holiday with either of these festivals allows you to witness traditional masked dances, processions, and rituals that are deeply rooted in local beliefs.

tourists witnessing the jatra festival celebrating by Newar community of Nepal in their holiday with festivals

Combining your holiday with festivals provides a deeper cultural immersion, allowing you to witness unique traditions, celebrations, and rituals that highlight the essence of the destination’s heritage. It’s an opportunity to participate in joyful festivities alongside locals, creating unforgettable memories and broadening your understanding of different cultures.

Planning for Trekking in Nepal is a great decision to spend your holidays. Here are a few popular treks, check it out.


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